Maximize your

Go High Level

Agency with


Unleash the Power

of Effective Task Management

We pick up where Go High Level left off by creating a seamless integration that empowers you to efficiently organize and manage your tasks while maintaining a clear direction and purpose.


Effortless Task Management

with Task Grids

Task grids serve as a versatile and user-friendly interface for displaying and managing your Tasks. Similar to tables or objects, Task Grids provide various views and sorting options, enabling you to efficiently oversee and manage the individual workflows of your team.


Retain Native Connectivity to Contacts

Task Creation inside the CRM flows through to the TEDtasks™ system creating a seamless integrated user experience.


Creating Efficient and Repeatable

Process Templates

With our Process Templates feature, you can easily create a list of repeatable tasks associated with completing a process, ensuring standardized and high-quality results.

Processes or workflows are tailored to each specific situation, requiring a process map and a series of documented tasks. These tasks can then be further broken down into a series of detailed actions or steps to accomplish the desired result.

With our process templates, you can streamline the creation and execution of processes by providing a structured framework for each task and step involved. By leveraging this feature, you can:


Unleash Seamless


Empower Multiple Assignees, Streamline Comment Threads, and Boost Efficiency with TEDtasks.™Convert Comments into Action Items and Save Valuable Time with Shareable Screen Recordings. Real time email notifications.

Drag-and-Drop Functionality

Calendar View

Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Functionality. Create or Edit Tasks directly in the calendar reducing the need to navigate to another screen. It's all about efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you based?

The US.

Where are your Servers Based?

Our primary servers are AWS US based with European redundancy.

Is your database secure?

Our platform is built on a high data security system which is also HIPAA and GLBA compliant.

How long has the platform been around and how long have you been serving clients?

We have been in digital marketing for 2 decades starting with our own systems in 1999, written in ASP, MSSQL, Coldfusion and several others along the way. We were one of Infusionsoft's first certified partners almost 15 years ago now. We have been creating extended database solutions for clients in this exact tech system since 2014. We have been around a long time and we aren't going anywhere.

Do you have an affiliate program?

We plan on launching what we call a partner program but we are keenly interested in joint ventures and opportunities where the technology can be leveraged to provide more value than just creating Tasks. We are looking for opportunities where 1+1=3...

Do you have a traditional GHL Agency? Do you understand our use case?

Yes, we have a GHL SaaS Agency called Six Sigma Systems and we specialize in high data security niches and especially health and medical, mortgage lending and real estate. We pay for the highest subscription GHL has for a SaaS High Data Security system. So yes we know your business and we feel your pain points.

Can you do GHL customizations?

Yes we have code we developed for several customizations including moving TEDtasks to the top of your menu stack, custom buttons for Contacts and a custom button in the header for opening a New Task. There are many options that can be done so talk to us if you have a special use case you need solved. This app is developed within the GHL marketplace through oauth2 and uses the latest version 2 of the API.

Will you help setup and onboard?

Yes, during our launch phase we want to make sure we get it right, that you get traction and we fix any issues that arise from scaling a product like this one. We know GHL and we are adept at moving around inside your system as necessary.

Are you a one man shop?

No, we have 3 experienced partners, multiple developers in our TEDtask platform and several staff that can help sort things out when needed.

Will there be Support?

Yes and we will be eating our own dog food. If you haven't heard that expression, look it up, it means using your own products for your own in-house practices. Support Ticketing is being built into the platform and we plan on using it to get it right so you can use it for your clients as well if you like.

Will there be a mobile version?

Working on a mobile friendly web app as we speak.

Will you be doing any Project/Task Management training?

Yes. As a partner in what was the largest consulting firm in the world at the time, a decade running the operations of a Venture Capital business and almost 20 years in the digital marketing and communication world I think I have some stuff to share. 

Are GHL Marketplace Apps safe?

Remember one thing...

You should NEVER install an app that you aren't sure where it came from and who the developer is and what it does. When you install those apps and authorize your Agency or subaccount on them, they will start sending data to the app system. It then takes that data and has authority to interact with your API, a great and powerful tool when you know what you want, who you are doing it with and what it is doing, but an insane thing to do if you don't have any information about who you are authorizing to access your database through your API. You can't know everything and everyone intimately, but at least know that they are part of the community, vested in what they do and what you do, have a real business; Six Sigma Systems LLC an Arizona Corporation in good standing, and a real address; 325 East Southern Avenue, Suite 109 Tempe AZ, 85282, been in the business awhile with reputable clients; 20 years and we are a Verizon authorized Agency for Verizon partners, and have your best interests at heart, we do as we are one of you! It isn't all about features of which 80% you don't use, it is about the features you need and will use and the business that is standing behind it. We have great examples in this community with UpHex, The Marketers Toolkit, ChatHQ, Consolidata, Extendly, The GHL Academy, HLProTools, Curated Apps, White Label Suite and many more every day. We want to partner with them to create value and we hope to earn your trust the same way they all did.